Before you purchase car insurance in Las Vegas, there are important facts to consider. Insurance is a legal requirement in Nevada, much like many other states in the United States. Additionally, there is an Insurance Verification Program to take into account.

By understanding the most important laws, regulations, and tips, you can easily find cheap car insurance Las Vegas. You will also have access to the coverage you need in the event of an accident or damage to your vehicle.

Cheap Car Insurance Las Vegas

There are five main insurance lenders in Las Vegas: Farmers, Allied, State Farm, Liberty Mutual, and Allstate. Each has its own policies for many drivers, and the cost is the biggest deciding factor. The cheapest insurance provider is Allied, with an average monthly premium of $38.00.

Farmers clients will expect to pay approximately $80 per month and $90 per month for State Farm policyholders. If you opt for Allstate, you can expect to pay an average of $94 per month, and this also applies to Liberty Mutual. You will want to note that although one provider may be more expensive than the next, they could also offer more coverage than the cheapest company.

There are numerous factors taken into account when deciding the premiums you are responsible for paying. Some providers take your marital status and credit score into account, while others will focus primarily on where you live in the city, the miles you drive yearly, and any anti-theft devices in your vehicle.

Drivers will need to discuss their current driving habits, what they would like in an insurance policy, and their budget with the providers they are considering. Shopping around for rates is one of the top ways to get the best deal.

Important Las Vegas Auto Insurance Laws

The main law to consider in Las Vegas is the fact that you are required to have insurance if you are operating a motor vehicle. This is because Las Vegas is a fault state. What does this mean?

In a fault state, the person who is declared at fault for the accident will be responsible for all financial losses. These financial losses may include lost income, damage to vehicles, injuries, and more.

Without insurance, it can be quite impossible for drivers to cover the costs associated with accidents, especially if they are found at fault. In addition to having insurance, there are minimum requirements for your policies as well.

Important Las Vegas Auto Insurance Requirements

There are minimum insurance requirements to consider when signing up for insurance in Las Vegas. This means that you don’t have much of a choice when it comes to the least amount of coverage. However, you have the option to add more coverage than necessary to protect your financial standing further.

Vehicle owners will be required, by law, to have liability insurance that has a minimum of:

  • Bodily injury liability: $15,000/$30,000
  • Property damage liability: $10,000

Without additional coverage, liability insurance is only applicable to situations where you are found at fault. Any other situation will require additional coverage, and there are plenty of options to choose from.

The DUI Laws in Las Vegas

As a city that gained its notoriety from an assortment of casinos, a vibrant nightlife, and the ability to attract millions of visitors each year, there are strict DUI laws in Las Vegas.

  • First Offense

If charged with a DUI, you can receive up to six months in jail for your first offense or 96 hours of community service. Drivers will also be required to attend a Nevada DUI school at their own expense and may be faced with fines up to $1,000 in addition to court costs.

Individuals under the age of 21 will also be required to undergo a drug dependency evaluation as well as an alcohol abuse program.

  • Second Offense

For a second DUI, you will receive up to six months in jail or confinement in your residence. Fines will be raised to approximately $1,000 or an equal amount of hours spent doing community service. You will be required to attend an alcohol dependency evaluation as well as the Nevada Victim Impact Panel.

It is also known that your license can be suspended or revoked anywhere from five days to one year, and you will likely have an ignition interlock device installed in your vehicle for up to 185 days.

  • Third Offense

Drivers who are convicted of a third (or greater) DUI will be handed strictest penalties, which include up to six years in prison, fines as high as $5,000, and up to a three-year driver’s license revocation or suspension.

You will also receive a breath interlock device for up to 36 months after you are released from prison as well as an alcohol and drug evaluation.

Things to Remember When Insuring Your Vehicle in Las Vegas

When insuring your vehicle, it is important to receive the optimal amount of coverage. You will also want to make sure that your policy falls within your budget. These factors are very important to consider prior to signing up for insurance.

Car Make and Model

The make and model of your car can have a strong impact on the amount that you pay for insurance. It’s best to opt for a safe vehicle that is reliable and comfortable for you to drive.

Sports cars, luxury vehicles, and older vehicles are known to have the highest insurance premiums. This is because they are at the most risk of encountering an accident.

Anti-Theft Devices

Vehicle theft is quite common in Las Vegas, and as such, vehicles without anti-theft devices are at risk of higher insurance premiums. If your car does not come with theft protection, it is highly recommended to invest in third-party devices. The upfront costs will help you to save in the future.

Zip Code

Where you live is the third factor to consider when getting insurance. This is because where your vehicle is parked during the day and night will greatly influence your insurance premiums.

Individuals in non-urban regions will have cheap car insurance Las Vegas because it is less likely that the vehicle will be damaged by another driver.

Final Thoughts

When searching for cheap car insurance in Las Vegas, there are many factors to consider. As it’s the most expensive city in all of Nevada to acquire insurance, you’ll surely want to shop around for different rates.

By knowing the best ways to save, the legal requirements for insurance, and the most costly laws, you can choose the right insurance provider with ease.