Car insurance rates in Pennsylvania have been steadily increasing since 2012. The Keystone State is another example of a state that has costly auto protection, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t find cheap car insurance in PA.
Pennsylvania, like everywhere else, requires that all drivers have insurance coverage. Getting advice from Truly Insurance can help you understand the law, how your rates are assessed, as well as aid you in finding cheaper insurance.
Average Auto Insurance Rates in Pennsylvania
Auto insurance is a very personal purchase. The rate that you’re going to pay is decided by looking at many factors, but it’s also based on the type of coverage that you’re looking for. It’s going to cost you more for premium coverage than it’s going to cost for basic coverage.
Statistics show that the national insurance average is approximately $800, and Pennsylvania’s average is roughly $820 annually. That in itself shows that if you live in PA, you’re likely to pay a bit more for your insurance coverage regardless of the policy you choose.
How PA’s Auto Insurance Rates Get Determined
Similar to all other states, your auto insurance rates are going to be higher if the insurer views your specific situation as more of a risk. It is possible to lower your price by reducing your coverage and even lowering your deductible, but that’s a decision that needs to be considered carefully.
The policy that you want isn’t the only factor that gets considered when insurance agencies determine your quote. Factors such as higher repair costs, poor credit, poor driving history, high population, and other variables all play a part in what you’re going to pay.
Depending on your location, the rates in Pennsylvania also differ drastically. The more densely populated the area is, the higher the risk for an accident.
How Getting Multiple Quotes Can Help You
Regardless of where you live, who you are, or what you drive, shopping around for multiple quotes is going to give you a better chance of finding a better deal. Whether you have high- or low-risk factors, auto insurance companies are going to assess your situation differently than they assess others, and they do this so that they can offer different premiums.
Even when shopping around for cheap car insurance in PA, some people are going to find that quotes are similar across the board. However, you might be someone who stumbles across a company that can offer you a rate that is dramatically reduced for the same coverage. The only way that you can have that chance is by comparing prices and coverage options from a wide range of auto insurance companies.
It’s important to remember that going for the first insurance plan that you come across isn’t always in your best interest. Choosing insurance isn’t a competition, and you don’t need to rush the process, especially if you are on a tight budget.
Assess all of the quotes that you receive from multiple insurers and find the plan that works the best for your situation as well as your budget. As a recommendation, prioritizing insurance plans that are both affordable and comprehensive is in your best interest.
Types of Insurance and Minimum Requirements
There are a few types of insurance coverage plans that you want to look at when assessing what you need and at what cost. The types of auto insurance are as follows:
- Bodily Injury Liability Insurance
- Uninsured Motorist Proper Damage Insurance
- Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist Bodily Injury Insurance
- Comprehensive Insurance Coverage
- Property Damage Liability Insurance
Pennsylvania does have minimum requirements for auto insurance. According to Pennsylvania’s Department of Transportation, every vehicle in the state requires a minimum liability as well as minimum medical coverage.
- Minimum medical payments: $5,000 per accident
- Minimum liability: $15,000 per person, $30,000 per accident, $15,000 property damage per accident
Difference Between Limited and Full Tort
As you are shopping around for your auto insurance, insurers are going to give a choice between limited tort and full tort. If you haven’t heard of these, you might find yourself confused.
Full tort means that you keep your rights to sue whoever is at fault when an accident occurs, without any restrictions, when you’re hurt in the accident.
Limited tort is slightly different. It means that you release all rights to sue for pain and suffering if you end up hurt in an accident that was the other person’s fault.
You are still able to sue for lost wages, property damage, and any unpaid medical bills. However, there are some exceptions to limited tort.
If you suffer a severe injury such as disfigurement, impairment of bodily functions, or death, you can still potentially sue. You can also sue if the driver who hits you gets convicted of driving under the influence.
Choosing Between Limited and Full Tort
There are upsides and downsides to choosing between limited and full tort. If you are on a budget or merely looking to save money on your insurance, choosing limited tort can save you up to 15%.
That being said, full tort might be in your best interest and can benefit your long-term finances if you get hurt in an accident. According to consults with personal injury attorneys, it’s always recommended to go with full tort because of the benefits.
The best way to decide if a limited or full tort is the best for you is to spend a good amount of time seriously weighing out all of the pros and the cons. Make sure that your insurer accurately explains what each means and how your finances can potentially get influenced by both.
Potential Discounts
Everyone wants to be able to save as much as they can on annual car insurance. One of the ways you can do this is by inquiring about specific insurance discounts that can sometimes be applied to your policy.
Below you can find a handful of common discounts that can be used to help you save on your car insurance.
- Infrequent usage
- Low mileage
- Good student
- Multi-vehicle insurance
- Anti-theft
- Military or Veteran
- Bundling insurance
- Safety features
- Mature driver
- Senior or retiree
- Defensive driving
Final Conclusion
There are quite a few ways that you can find cheaper insurance in Pennsylvania, and ensuring that you are familiar with each of the ways gives you the best chance of lowering your rate. Regardless of the possibilities, the best way is still to spend the proper amount of time needed to compare multiple quotes and coverage options that are available to you. Look at what you need as a driver, and then look into your budget to see what you are comfortably able to pay.