
Viking Auto Insurance Review

viking auto insurance review

In this Viking Auto Insurance review, we’ll consider the pros and cons of the company and what it has to offer.

In comparison to opting for a traditional insurance provider, this independent agency specializes in finding insurance for non-standard drivers, also known as high-risk policyholders.

However, they can also find policies for standard drivers with little to no traffic violations on their record.

Overall, the reviews for Viking will differ depending on the source you look at.

Some customers love the policies they bring to the table, while others suggest the company works with providers who have hidden fees and poor customer service.

We’ll discuss the ins and outs of their business practices to help you make the best decision for you and your family.

About Viking Auto Insurance

Viking Auto Insurance is technically classified as a specialty coverage company, meaning its primary objective is to provide affordable insurance for non-standard drivers.

Often, you’ll find that these types of drivers are difficult to insure through other providers, so these underwriters help to make sure they are sufficiently covered.

As a subsidiary of Sentry Insurance, they have a positive financial outlook, especially since Sentry has been in operation since 1904.

Even though the company is in Wisconsin, drivers from 27 different states can take advantage of the policies that Viking’s partners have to offer.

This feature is unique, as most small agencies that focus on high-risk drivers typically operate in less than ten states.

Viking Auto Insurance Quote Online

If you already know everything there is to know about Viking Auto Insurance and are interested in obtaining a quote, you can get a quote online.

However, online quoting is a little different than with other providers on the market.

You will need to input all of the required information, and an insurance agent will then contact you.

This process may be preferable compared to calling the company for a quote, as they will get back to you at their earliest convenience.

One of the most significant inconveniences to this process is that you won’t receive a direct cost, so you might have to wait until you can compare pricing from other underwriters in your area.

The Pros

As earlier mentioned, there is an assortment of Viking Auto Insurance reviews that differ from one another.

Let’s first discuss the positives that prospective and current policyholders have experienced when contacting the company.

First, it’s important to note that their customer service is better than what you would expect from most other agencies that deal with non-standard policyholders.

Since Viking doesn’t provide insurance themselves, their only goal is to make sure you are matched with an underwriter that offers affordable and comprehensive insurance.

They help to make sure that you get competitive rates and the perfect amount of coverage based on your budget and needs.

Overall, they are quite effective at matching their clients with the ideal insurance company.

There are several insurance providers that they work with, which is what makes it easier for the company to find the perfect one for you.

The most popular providers you’ll find include Foremost, CNA Surety, American Modern, Mercury Insurance, Neptune, Safeco Insurance, Progressive, Dairyland, and Kemper Personal Insurance.

What Customers Think of Viking Auto Insurance

When you look into customer reviews of Viking Auto Insurance, you’ll find that many of them are mixed depending on each driver’s personal needs.

Individuals who have recently financed a car are bound to see higher premiums than those who have an existing vehicle on their policy.

Customers have also noted that their available rates are substantially higher than what you would find from underwriters outside of their network.

If you are a non-standard driver who has found it challenging to find insurance with other agencies, though, Viking could be what you need.

Those who cannot get insurance with the more prominent companies have noted their policies are quite competitive and convenient to have.

Also, their customer service is incredibly helpful when it comes to answering questions about prospective policies.

Who Will Benefit the Most from Viking Auto Insurance

Although Viking Auto Insurance helps non-standard drivers the most, they also offer help to standard drivers.

The rates that they acquire from their partners are higher than if you were to find insurance from other providers.

Primarily the providers who specialize in working with individuals with clean records.

Young drivers may also benefit significantly from signing with Viking Auto Insurance, especially if you’re looking for affordable rates.

Things to Think About

The main thing to think about before signing up for a policy is that you might be able to find less expensive plans with underwriters outside of their network.

Considering they focus primarily on high-risk drivers, the rates from their providers will be higher than with others.

This point is particularly crucial for people who have limited driving infractions on their records.

Another thing to consider is that Viking uses an online tool to match you with the right insurance while you are on the phone with an agent.

AutoLink is a valuable resource to ensure every driver is matched with the right type of protection for their needs, as it takes coverage and price into account.

However, it could also mean their insurance agents aren’t as knowledgable about what is available from specific underwriters since they rely on the program to do most of the work for them.

How to Contact Viking Auto Insurance

If you find that you need to get in contact with Viking Auto Insurance, there are a couple of methods you can put to good use.

They have a secure contact form online that you can fill out with your information and obtain a response via email.

They also suggest that their customers call the office at (510) 582-0125 to ask any questions or talk to an independent agent.

Viking Auto Insurance Review: Final Thoughts

All-in-all, if you find a review about Viking Auto Insurance, it will likely talk about how they offer affordable insurance to high-risk drivers.

If you have a clean record, you would likely find less expensive policies from underwriters outside of their network.

If you’re searching for assistance with finding the right insurance for your needs, Viking is one of the many companies in your area that can help.


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