You’ll be glad to know that cheap car insurance in GA is easier to find compared to plenty of other states. Compared to the national average, Georgia has relatively low insurance rates as they fall 2.8% less than other areas in the United States.

Then again, not every driver will be able to reap the benefits of cheap insurance. This is because many other factors influence your premiums, such as gender, marital status, and driving history.

Cheap Car Insurance in GA

There are five main insurance providers in Georgia that are known to offer the most affordable premiums. They are the Georgia Farm Bureau, State Farm, Progressive, Allstate, and USAA. However, USAA is only available to drivers with military connections.

Drivers who maintain a clean record and have a good credit rating will benefit the most from Georgia Farm Bureau, as their rates are approximately $1,272 per year. State Farm will cost approximately $1,505 per year, and Progressive policies are around $1,905 per year.

Drivers with poor driving records will find the results relatively the same in terms of the cheapest to most expensive providers. Georgia Farm Bureau’s rates are approximately $1,386/year, and Allstate is the most expensive with rates at $3,332 per year. State Farm falls in the middle with an average of $1,785 per year in premiums.

How to Choose the Right Georgia Car Insurance

There are two parts to insurance: cost and coverage. It’s important to have the coverage you need to protect yourself legally and financially in the event of an accident. You will also need to make sure your premiums are affordable.

Georgia, much like any other state, takes a variety of factors into consideration when determining the cost of their driver’s premiums. Some of these factors are within your control, while others aren’t.

Clean Driving Record

The main factor that your insurance provider will look at is your driving record. Unlike other states where the type of vehicle you choose is the largest influence on your premiums, driving history is most important in Georgia.

It’s best to avoid traffic violations and stops, especially in terms of accidents, when looking for cheap auto insurance in GA.

Drivers with spotty records will be required to pay much higher premiums than safe drivers. Additionally, you may not be eligible to sign with specific providers, such as Progressive. Finding insurance with a poor driving history can be quite difficult and more expensive than you’d think.

Automatic vs. Manual Payments

A hidden trick to saving on your car insurance is to automate your payments. This is because car insurance providers will have the assurance that their money will be received on the same day of each month. Compared to manually paying your bill, you won’t be considered as much of a risk.

Anti-Theft Devices

In 2016, over 27,000 vehicles were stolen in Georgia, according to sources. As a result, insurance providers have increased the cost of policies for vehicles that do not have anti-theft devices.

Designed to deter criminals and prevent car theft, you need to choose a vehicle that has an alarm, cameras, or other types of anti-theft devices.

If your vehicle does not come equipped with anti-theft devices, it’s highly recommended that you have them installed aftermarket. The upfront costs are sure to offset the increase to your monthly premiums without vehicle protection.

Mileage Consumption

It’s likely that you use your vehicle for transportation to and from work and school. The more you drive, the more pressure you’re putting on your vehicle. You’re also spending more time on the road, which increases your likelihood of being in an accident.

Those with low mileage consumption can save hundreds, if not thousands, on their annual premiums. In this case, it might be a better idea to opt for a newer vehicle with less mileage. You may also want to move closer to your work or school.

Important Georgia Auto Insurance Requirements and Laws

Nearly every state has minimum insurance requirements, and Georgia is no different. Drivers are legally required to have liability insurance. As it is a fault state, the person who is at fault in an accident is liable for property damage and personal injury.

The minimum requirements for liability coverage in GA include:

  • $25,000 bodily injury coverage per person
  • $50,000 bodily injury coverage for multiple people in a single incident
  • $25,000 property damage liability per accident

As with any other type of minimum coverage, these amounts are likely to fall well below what you are expected to pay in an accident. It’s wiser to opt for coverage that is above the minimum. Otherwise, you will be faced with paying for medical bills and property damage out-of-pocket.

Common add-ons to insurance policies in Georgia include uninsured motorist protection, comprehensive, and collision coverage.

Failure to Carry Laws

Not only are you required to have auto insurance in Georgia, but you are also legally required to have proof of insurance in your vehicle. If you are pulled over and a police officer asks to see your insurance papers, you must be able to produce the documentation.

If you are unable to provide proof, you can face fines of up to $1,000 and up to 12 months in jail. Additionally, you will be required to provide proof of insurance to the court and may face additional fees.

Other Important Georgia Driving Laws

Knowing the general laws when it comes to driving is essential for maintaining a clean driving record. As this is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in GA, the most important Georgia driving laws include:

Hands-Free Georgia Act

Recently passed in 2018, the Hands-Free Georgia Act states that drivers are prohibited from holding any mobile devices in their hand or any other part of their body while operating a motor vehicle. However, you are allowed to use hands-free components to make or receive calls.

DUI Laws

If convicted of a DUI, there are plenty of penalties you will face with for your first to a fourth offense. First-time offenders may face up to one year in jail, fines up to $1,000, and a license suspension of up to one year.

For second offenses, you may receive up to one year in jail and fines up to $1,000. However, your license can be suspended for up to three years. Third-time offenders face the same amount of jail time, though fines are as high as $5,000 and your license suspension can be up to five years.

Individuals who are on their fourth or subsequent DUI conviction may face up to five years in prison and $5,000 worth of fines. Additionally, your license may be suspended indefinitely.

Final Thoughts

Cheap car insurance in GA is easy to find, especially if you have a clean driving record. As a state with insurance premiums just below the national average, you will have more room for negotiating better coverage for an affordable price.